Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mó de Vida's team

Short presentation of the main members of Mó de Vida !

Carlos Gomes and Nuno Meireles are the people in charge of Mó de Vida's direction and they manage all the general activities. They will co-ordinate most part of the tasks you will be working with.

Carolina Leão is responsible for all the logistic aspects of the EVS programme and the projects related to the sector of Mó de Vida NGO. Carolina works in co-operation with Nuno to solve any problems or questions the volunteer have about the EVS programme, flat conditions, language training, special difficulties and general doubts.

Colette Costa is another member of Mó de Vida Direction with Carlos and Nuno. She co-ordinates the projects related to Education for Development in the basic and Secondary schools. It is usual that the volunteers support her in these specific activities.

Cristina Maximino supports several areas, but she is more concentrated in the Ethical/Responsible Tourism.

Filomena Martins (Filó) and Lourdes Mendes are taking care of “Banco de Tempo”.

Filó, the last person who is in cooperation with the volunteers, also manages our web site, Mó de Vida blog and EVS blog. 

There are other co-operators the volunteers have the opportunity to know. Some of them support Mo de Vida's work as volunteers in different situations or when it's necessary to have some extra help. They are Angela Brandão, Victória Brandão, Sónia Nobre, Maria Emília Meireles, Jorge Meireles, Paulo Meireles, Célia Gomes, Roberto Silva and other friends...


Pintas was our co-operative dog. Unfortunately, he passed away:( He was just the collective dog of Mó de Vida. He was a bit agressive when he didn't know the people, but then he was very friendly!
Even if he looked more
like a pig than a dog he was really cute and above all very funny.

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