Friday, February 27, 2009

Activities created by the volunteers

Volunteers could develop their own activities during their EVS, among them are the Banco de tempo exchange system, and various tools for awareness actions.
Volunteers can also take part in extra training sessions provided by Mó de Vida.
  • 2009/2010:  Ivette has  participated in the following extra training sessions provided by Mó de Vida during her  EVS:
    Formation on Educational Animators of Fair Trade ; Autumn School of “Espaço por um Comércio Justo” Network ; Jornadas de Turismo Ético e Solidário; Workshop with Cape Verde traditional lunch “Cachupa” at Mó de Vida in cooperation with Escola Superior de Educação Paula Frassinetti/Porto and International Amnisty / Portuguese Session ; Workshop of “didgeridoo” managed by the musician Rodrigo Viterbo; Initial formation destinated for teachers concerning in the frame of the project “Frair Trade:Contribution for building the Global Citizenship” ; 
    Workshop destinated to 60 schools of Península de Setúbal and Lisbon regions.

    Power Point for dissemination of EVS made by Ivette Grané: 
    • 2009: Puppets theater/Teatro de marionetas (implemented by Ivette and Marion)
    Mó de Vida has been invited to the Andanças festival during the summer 2009. Andanças is a dance festival with all kind of european dances, and other activities like the ones Mó prepared. Ivette and Marion prepared an awareness action for children for the festival. They created a theater play with puppets about fair trade issues. About 20 children assisted the play and then could see the puppets, play with them and ask some questions. It was a nice moment to share with the kids, we all enjoyed so much the moment that there is no pictures or movies of the play :)
    • 2009: Welcome plan for volunteers/Plano de acolhimento (being implemented by Ivette)
    Ivette is actually on a project for future volunteers for Mó de Vida...To be continued...
    • 2009: Books exhanges/Troca de livros (implemented by Marion)
    The books exchanges is a small project which consists in disponibilize a space for people who want to share books they like. the idea is to let a book you loved, and explain in a short message in the book why you liked it so much. When you let a book then you can take another one.
    • 2007-09: Banco de Tempo ( implemented by Delphine and Maxi, developed in 2009 by Marion )

    It is the Portuguese equivalent of the Anglo-Saxon
    s LETS (Local Exchange Trade Service).

    It consists in a net of people working together with the aim of exchanging knowledge and services.
    The “unit of exchange” is one hour. After the service provided, the one who received it, pays it with an hour(s) cheque to the service provider.

    Mó de Vida
    s Banco de Tempo was inaugurated in October 2008. The idea of the Project creation was to find an alternative to money and to create a Project in the area of solidarity based economy.
    The project was created with the help of Graal , The organisation which promotes Banco de Tempo
    s system in Portugal.
    Nowadays in Mó de Vida, we are counting with the help of a 4 people team for the system’s organisation. The Banco de tempo participated in Mó's events such as the "Outra Margem" in 2009 with didgeridoo, juggling and writing activities. It has its own meetings, events, newsletter...

    Delphine, who implemented the Banco de tempo at Mó

    • 2007-08: 3 tools for awareness actions ( developed by Delphine and Maxi )
    aimed at children and teenagers in some fairs or special cultural events

    Ø A volta ao mundo dos alimentares _ Around the world food trip

    It consists on a shadow puppetry play, where the main character is travelling around the world meeting different little producers from the south of the Globe.
    This is a really basic story which purposes are presenting the Fair Trade principles in comparison to Conventional Trade.
    We are used to proposing these activities for children from about
    3 to 10. Its flexible, because as we organise it in fairs we do not control the public we receive.

    After the play, we usually organise a game related to the story with the children. The one we created was with a world map, in which the goal for the children was to discover where the food they consume every morning for breakfast is produced. Our goal when the game ends is to make them understand how dependant we are from the little producers of the world, and also how important it is for them to live in dignity.

    Ø O percurso de uma calça de ganga _ A pair of jeans trip

    This is also a shadow puppetry play. But the story is more complex so it is aimed to an older public. Delphine and Maxi have done it once with teenagers.

    In this story the main character is progressively discovering that for making a traditional pair of jeans, he has to cross
    China, Philippines, Turkey, India, Morocco, France, Germany, Switzerland
    The story deals with many themes (environment, labour rights, living conditions in the South of the Planet, Multinational Factories profits
    ). Dealing with so many different themes, we want teenagers to question themselves about consumption, their consumption.

    To go through this story, we have organised a moving debate in which the teenagers have to take positions on 3 subjects related to the story, then to explain their ideas, persuade others and possibly change their mind.

    Ø Jogo de 7 famílias do Comércio _ / 7 families trade game

    This game is built like a 7 families game, but the families are products (chocolate, coffee, cornflakes), and the aim is to find all the members of the family and rebuild the chain from the producer to the consumer.
    There are 2 games, we first play with the Conventional Trade game, and then with the Fair Trade one.

    s a game Delphine and Maxi have played once till now, in a fair with children from 6 to 10.
    The objective is to inform them about the distribution chain, its actors and realise the unequal/ equal share of money among them.

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